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Les révolutions - The revolutions 

Révolution américaine

American Revolution

Allo Profs! Révolution américaine

Liens sur les 2 révolutions

Pratiquer les 13 colonies (jeu)

Ligne du temps de la révolution américaine

Library of Congress... beaucoup de ressources (de bonnes ressources)

Events of the American Revolution

The interactive Declaration of Independence

The 13 colonies: video and other explanations

The American Revolution

      -Facts, videos, maps, etc...

Introduction to the founding documents

Mr. Nussbaum's website (well done)

American revolution (for kids, so a bit easier)

Causes and effects of the revolution

Timeline game (jeu)

Battles of the American Revolution

How to battle during the American Revolution

Timeline and other resources

La mise en contexte

Le déroulement et les conséquences

Notions avancées (plus que ce qu'on apprend)

Révolution américaine (PBS) : the road to liberty (game)

Digital American History (a lot of resources)

American revolution : Interactive lessons

The Founding Fathers

Encyclopedia Britannica : Founding Fathers

Listes de sites web sur la révolution américaine

Smithsonian Mag : Founding fathers and slaveholders

The Bill of Rights and the Amendments

Battles of the revolution

Classroom resources

Facts about the American flag


- Crash course in American History (youtube)

- Complete history of the American Revolution (13 parts)



-Conquer the continent (countries within continents)

-Conquer the states (identify US states)

-Name that founding father

-How much do you know?

-Quiz revolution

-Good revision here

-Another good revision

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